Spring Break and Photography Workshops

I know I’ve been absent from the blog world lately.  Life has been a bit crazy for the last couple weeks.  My husband teaches at West Point and we were on spring break.  We went to Texas to visit my family.

We mowed lawns!

We drove tractors!

Some of us relaxed a bit!

And pondered the beauty of nature!

We rode horses!

And golf carts!

It was a great time.  Eli was exhausted at the end of everyday!  Nothing like some fresh air and horse power to waste a little energy!

Sadly when we came home, we found one of our cats to be very sick.  Ginger was in kidney failure and had to be put down.  She was my cat from high school.  I had had her for 17 years.  When she was younger she would take pinwheel peppermints out of our candy dish, knock them to the ground then chase them back and forth on the wooden floors, crashing into walls, and having a blast for hours.  She would play baseball with balled up candy wrappers.  She would sit on any book, newspaper, or paperwork you tried to read!  She always knew when I was feeling sad, and would give me a little extra attention.  She would purr like a motor just to the sound of her name being called!  She was well loved!

For more cheerful news, I’m taking an online photography workshop through Clickin Moms.  It is Shooting 101, and it is amazing!  I had been using manual a little before the class, but usually shot in Aperture Priority.  I have learned so much from the class that I’ve decided to take a study along to Shooting 201.

So far in the class we’ve covered metering, back button focus, white balance, including custom white balance, and so much more.  Below are some of my submissions for the lessons so far!  I know they aren’t great, but they’re getting better!

This was my submission for finding the “sweet spot” meter reading, or proper exposure for Adelaide.  Who knew that everyone would expose differently for your camera!

This is my pic for catch lights in my daughters eyes.

This week we were supposed to show motion by altering our shutter speed. I had a hard time capturing this.  But below was one attempt.  I’m going to keep working on this.

And this one is just for fun!

If you are looking to deepen your photography skills, whether it’s basic shooting skills or processing, they have tons of workshops to chose from.  I’m learning tons.  I highly recommend them!