Team Red White & Blue

I briefly mentioned my husband’s non-profit in my first post.  Most people that are reading this blog in its early days probably already know about Team Red, White & Blue (aka Team RWB), but for the few of you that don’t, I’ll tell you a little more.

My husband is a Major in the Army.  He has served one tour in Iraq and two in Afghanistan as a Intelligence Officer.  When he came home, he felt the need to support the wounded soldiers that served beside him.  He began running marathons and ultra-marathons and raising money for other veteran non-profits.  Raising $20,000+ for these organizations left him longing to get more involved.  He wanted to build more of a relationship with the veterans he was supporting.  From this Team RWB was born.

The organization works to help wounded veterans reintegrate into the civilian world after they leave the National Guard or Active Duty.  In a handful of chapters, Ann Arbor, DC, and Houston, Team RWB pairs wounded veterans with civilian peers, known as advocates, to build relationships and provide social opportunities.  In other areas of the country, running groups have formed, including civilians and wounded veterans.  And all over the country, thousands of people have joined Team RWB’s movement and now run, bike, swim, hike, do Crossfit, etc. in a Team RWB shirt and spread the word of their mission.

I encourage you all to check out Team RWB’s website and Facebook page.

On a more creative note, have you heard of Tagxedo?  I just discovered the site, but it is amazing!  I created these Team RWB eagle images using it, and I’m now addicted!  It is currently a free website, but will eventually become a site requiring membership, so get on board now!